Concepts of Advanced On-Page SEO

on-page SEO

1. Build Out Topic Clusters

You should work on building out the topic clusters if your website isn’t already structured with them.

Let’s get you to know more about what are topic clusters? 

“Topic clusters are a group of content that revolves around a key topic and use a principle page to link to and from.”

In simple words, topic clusters are content that works around the main centric topic with many varied internal linking opportunities to keep the traffic intact on the web page or website.

Visualizing them makes the understanding much easier:

Topic clusters are a great help for advancing SEO, aptly because they help you create classified content pieces that showcase relevance and skillfulness. 

For instance, if you have a single piece of content about a subject or topic on your site but an entire cluster of affiliated pieces of content that use internal linking to exhibit the topical connection between these. That’s a whole different ball game.

2. Animated Images to Improve Time On-Site

Our latest research on SEO ranking factors study found that the time spent on the site accelerates with Google rankings.

And we recently found a simple way to improve these rankings: Animated Images.

We’ve noticed that animated images stop people from skimming and skipping content on the page or website. Thus they read more and indirectly spend more time on your page.

3. Use Dynamic Parameters for Pagination

Exploding Topics ran into a severe technical SEO issue pretty much from the start:

It took days and weeks to get a new page indexed.

The reason? Your crawl budget was getting used at a fastening speed. This means that Google would take weeks to crawl new pages.

What helped was using dynamic parameters for our paginated pages.

In other words, we went from this:

To this

This new format helped Google figure out our paginated page URL patterns.

This accelerated more time finding and indexing new stuff.

It also seemed to push Google to crawl more of your pages in general.

4. Create a Comments Section On Your Blog

Comments can help in getting your SEO hyped and ranking for three reasons:

First, comments on your blog section may be a direct ranking factor.

Second, comments give users a reason for attraction and new stuff to read and do, boosting time spent on the page and avoiding skimming.

Third, a comments section is content that Google crawls, indexes, and ranks.

A Google report stated that they count all content on a page (including UGC).

5. Prioritize Your Mobile Site For Mobile-First Indexing

In today’s time, it’s essential to keep up with Google’s migration to mobile-first indexing.

But there are many misconceptions about what mobile-first indexing means and how it will affect ranking.

Regarding mobile-first indexing, you do not need a perfect mobile site to claim your spot higher.

And you certainly should not abandon SEO for your desktop site just because mobile-first indexing is here.

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